Cubed Limes on a Grand Estate driveway - what a welcome!



Importing thiS beauty on a Cross Channel Ferry for a client… anything is possible!

Spring 2023 Planting Project by Heritage Tree Services Ltd amazing planting team. The heaviest tree being unloaded into a purpose built, temporary international lorry park from Holland, Germany and UK, weighs in at a massive 10.6 tonnes!

A more formal design from Hugo here, with elegant Yew Cones lining the driveway on this South Oxfordshire Estate.

Newly completed garden projects in Henley on Thames. Don’t forget to water your trees regularly keeping soils moist without being sodden, between mid March to mid/late October, for two to three annual growing seasons, until established. If in doubt, call us!

Please remember to water your newly planted trees, by whatever means, between mID-MARCH and MID-/LATE OCTOBER, FOR A MINIMUM OF TWO TO THREE ANNUAL GROWING SEASONS, until ROOTS establish. IF IN ANY DOUBT, CALL US! WE’RE HERE TO HELP…